Tuesday, November 25, 2008

BookShare PLD ministry

BookShare PLD ministry provides evangelical study books for needy pastors in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Would you and your church consider providing a few of your sermon study outlines for a church missions project to print in book form for pastors in the Philippines? You could put together about 20 detailed sermon outlines and we would print and distribute them in English to 700 needy pastors, Christian workers, and Bible school students in the Philippines. A detailed teaching sermon outline would probably take three pages, so a book of 20 sermon outlines would be around 60 pages. This book would cost about $1 to publish, so 700 copies would be $700. We would title it something like Sermon Study Outlines for Preaching & Teaching. We already have sermon study outlines on Colossians, 1 & 2 Timothy, and 1 & 2 Peter, but need them on the other 61 books of the Bible, plus special topics such as servanthood, faithfulness, integrity, Biblical family relationships, etc.

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