Thursday, August 27, 2009

Serving Pastors in Cambodia: Daren Beck, ACTION Missionary

One of the greatest privileges I have is to come alongside pastors who faithfully preach and shepherd God’s people entrusted to them despite difficult circumstances. Pastor Sothon Pol is one such pastor. He planted Shalom Church Anglong Romeat in 2003 and labors for the Lord in a very difficult area. The community in which Pastor Sothon ministers is only an hour away from Phnom Penh, but is very rural and unreached with the Gospel. The villagers have lived in darkness for generations and the ministry there painfully slow. This past year was especially difficult because of poor harvest due to drought last year and floods this year. Recently the local government authorities refused to sell him a piece of land because they do not want a Church in the community. Sothon remained encouraged and unswerving in his commitment to the ministry. He recognized that God was in control and confident that God would direct them to a different piece of land. Please pray for me as I come alongside Sothon and help him work through the myriad of issues that he faces as the pastor of a local church in Cambodia.

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