Thursday, May 7, 2009


I am struck by the courage of the apostle Peter in his second sermon from Acts chapter 3. This fisherman who had denied even knowing Jesus just a few months earlier, was now standing before a few thousand people, mostly Jews, and this is what he told them. In his opening statement he uses four messianic names for Jesus. He calls Him servant, holy, righteous and the Prince of life. What Peter was doing was walking his listeners down the road to the ultimate destination of understanding that they had killed the Messiah! With great courage and without fear of man, Peter told them that they had killed the Author of life, the Messiah. While this does bring persecution to him and John, it was also the means used of God to save two thousand people.

This is a great example to pastors today. We ought to look at this and take heart that we too are to have the same courage and fearlessness to preach the whole counsel of God. We should be encouraged not to compromise nor water down the Word of God in order to make it palatable to man. God blessed the preaching and teaching of His Word. Not His Word made easier to hear by man!

So brothers be encouraged today that no matter who comes against you in your preaching and teaching, regardless of who calls you to compromise, stand strong! Your Father in Heaven will use your fearless preaching to bring others into the family of God. Leave the compromise of the Word to the liberal theologians and churches, where it belongs! You O man of God, preach the Word, in season and out of season!

1 comment:

Wayne Lawhorn said...

Greetings ! Blessings on your ministry.

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It's time for American Christians to get involved not just in Jerusalem, but Samaria, and the Uttermost (Simutaneously, not sequentially!)

